MAKING FRIENDS WITH ALICE DYSON was SHORTLISTED for the Readings Young Adult Book Prize shortlist 2019!!!
Being shortlisted for the 2019 Readings Young Adult Book Prize has just been so amazing! Every time I think about I feel so excited, and to be honest the whole thing has been very unexpected and incredible. Follow the link above to see the announcement.
I am really over the moon, you can read all about the shortlist (what a cool bunch of books to be included in) BY FOLLOWING THIS LINK.
Also, I just wanted to share this excerpt from the judges, because it is one of my absolute favourite reviews I have ever received:
“Nwosu bypasses toxic and high-stakes romantic tropes for a refreshingly nuanced and realistic dynamic, while still giving readers the slow-burn romance they crave: a gloriously heady mix of tentative self-consciousness, bittersweet longing and simmering tension.”
I am so freaking over the moon about this!!!
It really feels kind of unbelievable!